Tuesday, May 20, 2008

One full circle, back to You.

I have a million thoughts running through my head now...

But I am at peace...

Today, for the first time in a long time, I listened to the music on my PSP.

And, the first song was "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin.

And I realised.

No matter how far I wander.

I always find myself back, facing God.

No matter how I stray.



I always return...he always brings me back...

He is all-knowing.

He will not let a hair on our head be harmed.

Everything that happens, happens for our own good.

I could have listened to it any other day.

Why today?

Because it was the day it would have this impact on me?

I find solace in your arms.

And from today.

I will stop praying for signs.

I will start praying for the quietness of heart to listen.

I will start praying for the wisdom to comprehend.

I will start praying for the courage to embrace the answer.

I will pray that I keep my emotions in check, and not allow them to distort the facts before me. Nor to change my reaction.

And I will pray, that he be infront of me to lead me. Beside me, to walk with me. Behind me, to catch me if I fall.

Another thing I was thinking.

We always say "Do what your heart tells you to"

But is what our heart desires always what God wants?

And that is why we need to pray for his guidance.

You know the story of Job?

He loses everything and God returned it twicefold.

You know what I think?

What God returned, might not have taken the form of what was taken.

For, through losing, we often gain.

We learn. We grow. We realise. We blossom, enter into all his fullness.

And that is priceless.

It is worth all the pain in the world. To grow.

I love you.

I will pray for guidance.

I will pray for you.

I won't run anymore.

Because I am not alone.

God is with me.

Thanks to all the awesome friends I have who have been there for me.

I think I'll be alright from here.

Thank you. All.

I love you. All.

I love you. You.

I love you. God.

And as the eagle cried, she began to pray.

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