Saturday, June 14, 2008



They call themselves rich people.

They don't eat sushi.

They don't like Mexican.

Rich people who don't appreciate CULTURE.

They say that just because there's paper napkins, they are away from civilisation.

They spend hours shopping.

Their English sucks. BIGTIME.

And then the person that tai tai is staying with, the family, they have a medival fantasy, and she complains that they are always in a dream world. She says they don't live in the real world. -.-

Wtf. Rich people have no imaginations. They don't know what IMAGINATION is like. They don't know what dreams are, how important dreams are!

And the girl is such a spoilt brat.


I'd go up to them and give them a taste of the REAL world.

They're living in a fantasy of their own without realising it.

Normal REAL people don't get to stay in presidential suites.

They don't spend their whole day shopping.

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