Friday, June 20, 2008


Words aren't enough at times. At others, they're useless. And sometimes, you just don't know how to use them...

We all wish we'd said or done something. Everybody has regrets, everyone has hopes which were cast to one side...

I try not to regret...and have been quite successful might I add...So far, I only regret one thing in my life. Somehow, with God's guidance, I always move past the past, no matter how long it takes.

Something happened, and I thought I'd feel the hurt forever. But without realising, or noticing, I was slowly getting better...Recovering, without knowing, only realising when I was fully recovered.

And yet, from that something, comes what might just be the second regret of my life. If I fail to open a friend's eyes to the truth...

We all fail at times. Even the best do. And yes, we have to accept the failures. But, sometimes, there is the eternal regret...

We can only hope to hold the regret in retrospect, without letting it get the better of us.

Not a day goes by without the 2 regrets being there...

But the hurt has stopped...

*This is gonna spoil a contemplative post, but I'm being bullied by sensei online now! GAH.*

My heart is singing once more, a beautiful tune of joy and who I am.
I am falling in love with that song.

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