Friday, February 22, 2008

To all JJC students.

ZOMG. What has your school done to you? You can't access his blog so you hate mail him? That heightens the meaning of obsession altogether. And it's not the JJ spirit or whatever you call it. It's just insanity, close mindedness and dictatorship.

Singapore is a semi-democratic nation (even though we can't go up to the Istana and declare our love for the country), so get used to it then. If you guys are so unhappy, why don't you move JJC to say...China or something. xD I'm sure you could create a Jurong Road seeing how passionate you all are. Not happy, DON'T SEE LA! (In the Singaporean spirit.)

Puh-lease. I think other issues such as using tissue paper to "chope" tables are much better worth arguing over. =\ Really. At least that's actually an issue which questions people's level of civility. Which, considering Singapore is branded as a "First World Nation", is horrifyingly low.

Puh-lease. Mindless drones like you are old school. WELCOME TO DEMOCRATIC SINGAPORE GUYS. WE'RE NO LONGER UNDER THE JAPANESE OCCUPATION. Damn what do your history books teach you. Another reason why JJC sucks I guess? Bad teaching.

Hahaha. Just remembered the Japanese Occupation and what I learned about it from FIRST HAND stories. "DEFY US? WE KEEL YOU."

Stop being immature kids. You are in college for goodness' sake. GET A LIFE AND STOP RUINING OTHERS'.




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