Sunday, February 17, 2008


Ok. So, Pearl just came to me and asked me to think of a line related to memories. Don't actually think I did a good job, but, I kinda like SOME of the lines I came up with.

So, anyway, here's my favourite. Dreams of the past, leading to the future.

Okok, not very good, I know. But that's not my main point.

I was sort of thinking of words I would personally associate with Memories, and the first few words that came out were Timeless and Eternity. Yea, yea, so they mean the same thing. I know, but each sounds different and draws out a different emotion from each person. Well, for me at the very least. And I AM a person who exists, much as some people choose to deny.

I would also associate memories with Growth. Memories are what helps people grow. If you forgot every single life-lesson you had been through, do you think you would still grow?

Memories, good or bad, makes a person. Our memories help shape who we are, they shape our morals and values. Notice I said HELP. Ultimately, it is our character that determines the choices we make, and the choices we make create our memories. However, you could also look at it another way. Our memories shape our character, and thus memories are what creates more memories. The long overused example of the chicken and the egg comes to mind.

However, at the beginning of our lives, we were created with a base character, were we not? Our character would probably have existed long before our memories started. Noisy baby, or quiet baby, and such. =\ Going off topic. xD

Anyway, I shall now explain my reasoning behind the line.

What inspired it was the word Dreams. For are memories not also dreams of our past? When we reminisce, is it not like watching a dream of the past, playing itself for your own viewing, and maybe the people you are reminiscing to/in front of?

Movies, critically acclaimed or just rated as crap, do make appearances in theaters. In the same way, memories, good or bad, will always be there, in our minds, waiting to be played. (:

Alright, that's what I think anyway. (:

Next topic to think of, what defines a dream? xD



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