Monday, August 11, 2008

Day One Entry Two

So by this point of time I can guess what my schedule will be for the rest of today. Which means my effective studying for today has been brought to a grand total of zero. Well, I did some reading for lecture one tho. =D

So anyway...too much sleep kills you, y'know? I'm feeling extremely shitty now- well...was. Better already, less head spinning and such. But. That stupid pain in the chest is back. Omg. See, I need to find out what causes it. Uh. See a doctor about it, people keep telling me. But.

But doctors are scary! =s

No seriously. I know my dream way of dying involved beforehand knowledge and all, but its still scary. It'll be like BOOOOO. then, CHEEBABOOM.

And then if something really happens, or somethign really is up, people will be sad. And try to fix it. And worry. And blow their minds up over trying to fix it. Which is bad. Veryvery bad.

See, all the more reasons not to see a doctor!

Aiyah, Ade's a seek keed la. Lets count the CONSTANT problems.

1. Back injury- Oh, him and me go back a longlong way, way back into secondary one.

2. Chest Pain- Can't remember when he came along. It's a pain in the ass, and quite literally, in the chest.

3. Giddy Issues- Oh, him. He kinda started with ear imbalance, or so the doctor said. It never got better. That was...sometime in...secondary....can't remember. Primary? Maybe so.

4. Ear- I swear sometimes I feel my left ear is deaf. Or muffled at least. Or is it my right?

5. Thumb- Ohoho. The one I use to TRY and gross people out. There's something wrong with the joints there. =O Since sec two/one, when a ball got THUNDERED into my thumb. Uh, it would have been my head otherwise yea. I remember, I had a green thumb about ten minutes into the incident. =3 Never saw a doctor.

6. Klutziness- Ooh since the day I was born, baby, since the day I was born. XD I fall over anything and everything at the weirdest times. I'm accident prone. HELLO, WHICH BABY GETS A BLACK EYE FROM CRAWLING INTO A TABLE. -.-

Ok. That's about the list.

So yes, Ade's a seek keed. =D I can't see a doctor for some of these shits anyway, cos for example the chest, it comes and goes, I can't predict it, thus.

Yesh. Anyways. Gonna slack for the rest of today

After having eaten 4/5 giant pocky sticks. I swear one is like...equals to...half a box.

Having slept from...5 to...8

GSD 4 episodes.

GS music. <3

Oh random trivia! You know Gundam OST was the first CD I bought for myself? =3 Before that mom nagged about how it was a waste of money. Either that or she'd pay.

K. Ya. And whatever shit I mentioned previously.

Uh, barely ate for dinner.



Woohoo. =D

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