Sunday, March 11, 2007


Haha I'm feeling really really hyper now! Hehe just posted chapter one of my newest fanfiction, from Final Fantasy VIII! Haha the title is 'Distant Memories'. So happy...Hehe considering I just got the idea yesterday, I think I made pretty good time. Haha I enjoyed myself thoroughly writing it, and I feel so much more light-hearted now. YAY!

Haha so as you can guess, I'm in a good mood now. Lalala. ^^

Forgive the hyperness. It's a regular affliction I suffer from, and might I add that I quite like it. Smiling makes everything seem so much better! As the saying goes, whether your cup is half-empty or half-full is up to you. I prefer to see mine as half-full! Haha. Although sometimes I fail miserably.

And like my friend's pencil case reads, "I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it."

hehe. Yes, I'm insane. But in a happy, hyper, harmless way, so why not?

Whoa...triple H...haha.

Ja' Ne!

(Those who are interested can find my story at, under the author ade5kira...Know what? Shall just create a link for my author's profile right now...)


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