Friday, March 9, 2007


Haha! I'm back! I guessed right...I got bored. Well, actually, not. For some reason, Final Fantasy glitched on me and refused to operate properly from a certain point. I got auto teleported back to a frickin island, stranded with no means of transport whatsoever. -.-"

I got stuck. And I don't even know why...Oh well...

Anyway, I was just playing the game, and during a transit movie (all fluffy), something hit me.

I want to write a Final Fantasy fanfiction! If possible, a SquallOC one. Haha. OC being own character, for those unfamiliar with the fanfiction writers' slang.

It'll be fun! Haha or maybe I could do a yaoi one, pairing Squall and Seifer up...Hmm...that would be hilarious. But...Just not my cup of tea. Reading yaoi is one thing. Writing it is another thing altogether! Haha.

But I can just imagine...Squall has been captured by the enemy, he's been traumatized (-evil grin- shall not say why...I have an evil idea, but I'll leave it up to your imagination for now...). And then, he becomes all weepy and stuff, and Seifer's like the big brother always there for him.


Oh well...maybe not...But a Final Fantasy fanfiction would be fun, all the same...

OOH...too many RenOC the time I'm done with all of them...I'm gonna have white hair and a walking stick.

haha. Oh wells...thats it for now.

bored again...


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