Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Filming ICA4- Short Drama
Did a pretty darn good job with the transitions if I say so myself. ;)
Hehe, the cuts from master shots to close ups were niceeee.
And I can type in jap now. =d
Now to learn the characters so I know that the characters are right. XD
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sorry I won't.
Its sad to see you leave like that.
But I will not act like I regret saying that when I don't.
Think of it this way. Would you react like that if it wasn't her involved?
Sorry, but I won't become a hypocrite to keep a friend.
I don't regret saying it, I don't wish I hadn't said it, I don't feel sorry I said it.
So I'm not taking it off and acting as though I do.
Still, thanks for all your support during that period. It was priceless.
So, in answer to my question, would you?
Monday, July 28, 2008
The devil wouldn't be that bad either.
Cos God made him. He's God's mess.
You were teh one who chose to be this way. God didn't make you this way nor did he want you to become this way. He made us in his image, but you chose to become a two-faced bitch.
Don't use God to justify your own selfish actions.
And you call yourself a christian who pleases God.
More like, you're using God's name to make yourself look like an angel.
Know how I said you weren't a bad person?
Forget it, I changed my mind seeing your ugly side.
Just don't drag him down with you. "Arite" was your answer.
Apparently you say one thing and do another, as you always have eh?
Its so infuriating to see him get harder and harder to save all because of a little immature bitch like you.
"I'm God's little zhu, hehe"
Yea God made you. But he didn't make you into the mess you are. You chose to become like this. Stop using God as an excuse and contemplate your actions.
God made lucifer too. But lucifer made his own choice.
Stop using God as an excuse. If your excuse stood, then teh devil aint too bad either cos he's god's big mess aint he.
What kinda bad joke is this.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
So, am gonna try and restrain from blogging.
Think, knowing me, I'll find a chance to come on here and be random anyways. xD
But just in case.
Don't miss me! =D I know you all willlll. HEHEHE
Ok. That was freaking random.
Uh, check out my Livejournal lol. ;)
Buai. =D Aiyah I'll prolly just blog anyways. =D WOO. xD
Edit: Added a H to the avalance. Can't believe I misspelled it la. Teh sux. xD
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Smexy! =D
Got a simple black shirt. ;)
Also got.
Some new stuffs.
No skirts tho. HAHA TOO BAD. =x
Shall surprise ya'll with them. Not posting pictures.
Uh. I got a new wallet too. Sexy. ;) Hehehehe. Ade's a cool doood now. =D
Friday, July 25, 2008
Garden Fest at Suntec!
Am kinda lazy to post the pictures today. >.> So, uh, wait long long. xD
Shopping tml with mummy. Shucks. T.T
Uhh. Polar disappeared at suntec. )=
I want. Uh. Pepper lunch and starbucks celebration, and ceaser's visit! =O
I cried on the bus to school to hand in my crap. =\
No idea why. HAHA.
So random. -.-
Hehe. Nice meeting up with shifu again. Last time i saw him was 2 years ago, before his NS. LOL.
He smiles more now! Not so stone face liao. Lolol.
Scared of pokes. =O React damn big. My hand pain seh. xD
Full version of changin, featuring Roma Tanaka. =D
Too bad gendou doesn't have it tho. =\
Neh mind, my blog has nice one now. =D
Adeline is now a pon star! =O
Well, i purposely overslept for the lesson that was shifted to 8.30. I mean, c'mon la, slept at 4 last night can. -.-
Then woke up at 8 and chionged the rest of the written parts for the journal, and glued all hte painted stuff together.
And now i'm done.
The sword is horrible. Ugly. T.T
But it has my sweat and blood in it.
And at least the ethics journal looks damn good can. xD
Too bad about the sword.
I put in so much effort lor. xD
I had lecture with Soo at 10.
I was still at home doing the written at 10.
Ok. Toodles for now. Off to hand it in now. And then MAYBE garden fest with shifu. He hasn't smsed me. )=
Garden+ Ade= :O
But then, i haven't met up with shifu for like...forever, literally, abt a year at least? Haha.
So yes. +.+
Wonder if he's still as stone face. =O
Neh mind I'm the smile angel anyways. =D
BYEBYE and I'ma cry about the sword. =(
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Night terror again. But this wasn't so bad. Not the raw feeling of fear and nothing but that. It was more of. ICA terror.
Gawd. When something work related starts getting to Ade, you know there's something wrong. I didn't even get nightmares about o's can. -.-
Maybe its got somethign to do with how i'm actually trying this time around. xD
But seriously. Even when i bother about something. To let it stress me to this extent. You know its bad. xD
I've done 59 of the 120 stupidest things
( ) Smoked A Cigarette
( ) Smoked A Cigar
( ) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
Level 2
(x) Are / Been In Love
( ) Dumped someone
( ) Been Fired
( ) Been In A Fist Fight
Level 3
(x) Had A Crush On An Older Person (Unless you're talking about a huge age difference. This question is vague.)
(x) Skipped Class
( ) Slept With A Co-worker
(x) Seen Someone / Something Die
Level 4
( ) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your deviantART / sheezyart Friends
( ) Been To Paris
( ) Been To Spain
(x) Been On A Plane
( ) Thrown Up From Drinking
Level 5
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been Snowboarding (How I wish I could...)
(x) Met Someone Through Internet
( ) Been in a Mosh Pit
Level 6
( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
(x) Taken Pain Killers
(x) Liked/loved Someone Who You Cant Have
(x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By. (Lol why not? Altho I would prefer the stars.)
( ) Made A Snow Angel
SO FAR: 10
Level 7
( ) Had A Tea Party
(x) Flown A Kite
(x) Built A Sand Castle
( ) Gone mudding
( ) Played Dress Up
SO FAR: 12
Level 8
(x) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
(x) Gone Sliding
(x) Cheated While Playing A Game
(x) Been Lonely
(x) Fallen Asleep At Work / School (... uh. XD PLUSPLUSPLUS XXXXXX'S)
SO far: 17
Level 10
(x) Watched The Sun Set
( ) Felt An Earthquake
( ) Killed A Snake
SO FAR: 18
Level 11
(x) Been Tickled
( ) Been Robbed / Vandalized
( ) Been cheated on (Eh,,,what does this encompass?)
(x) Been Misunderstood
SO FAR: 20
Level 12
( ) Won A Contest
( ) Been Suspended From School
( ) Had Detention
( ) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident
SO FAR: 20
Level 13
(x) Had / Have Braces
( ) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
( ) Danced in the moonlight (Don't like dancing dancing. Prancing tho. =\ Not in the moon tho.)
SO FAR : 21
Level 14
( ) Hated The Way You Look
( ) Witnessed A Crime
( ) Pole Danced
(x) Questioned Your Heart
( ) Been obsessed with post-it-notes
SO FAR: 22
Level 15
(x) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
( ) Swam In The Ocean (Err, sea? =s)
(x) Felt Like You Were Dying
SO FAR: 24
Level 16
(x) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(x) Played Cops And Robbers
( ) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
( ) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
SO FAR: 27
Level 17
(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't (Gah. Don't scold me Louis. >.<)
(x) Made Prank Phone Calls
( ) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
(x) Kissed In The Rain (Well, sorta =\)
SO FAR: 30
Level 18
(x) Written A Letter To Santa Claus (I addressed it to St Nicholas, also known as Santa Claus, and it was kinda a petition.)
(x) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(x) Blown Bubbles
(x) Made A Bonfire On The Beach Or Anywhere
SO FAR: 34
Level 19
( ) Crashed A Party
( ) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
(x) Had A Wish Come True
( ) Been Humped By A Monkey
SO FAR: 35
Level 20
( ) Worn Pearls
(x) Jumped Off A Bridge
( ) Screamed "Penis" or "Vagina"
( ) Swam With Dolphins
SO FAR: 36
Level 21
( ) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cubes
( ) Kicked A Fish (I picked up a dead one and threw it at someone tho. =\)
(x) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes (First, I have guy's shirts. Second, that time I was sick.)
(x) Sat On A Roof Top and watched the stars
SO FAR: 38
Level 22
( ) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs (I don't do screams)
(x) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel (Lotsa crazy stuff I've attempted. Not necessarily succeeding.)
(x) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
(x) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about
SO FAR: 41
Level 23
( ) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
(x) Climbed A Tree
( ) Had/Been In A Tree House
( ) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone (I am fascinated by the fear. xD)
SO FAR: 42
Level 24
(x) Believed In Ghosts (Ghosts exist. Call them spirits or what not, they do exist. Just don't feel the need to be afraid.)
( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
(x) Gone Streaking
( ) Visited Jail
SO FAR: 44
Level 25
( ) Played Chinese Chicken
(x) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
( ) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
( ) Broken A Bone
(x) Been Easily Amused
SO FAR: 46
Level 26
( ) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
( ) Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one
(x) Caught A Butterfly (It fluttered to my hand? =3)
(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried
(x) Cried So Hard You Laughed (Basically, I went cuckoo for awhile.)
SO FAR: 49
Level 27
( ) Mooned/Flashed Someone
( ) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(x) Cheated On A Test
(x) Forgotten Someone's Name
( ) French Braided Someones Hair
( ) Gone Skinny Dipping
(x) Been Kicked Out Of Your House (Oh, so many times, so many times. =p)
SO FAR: 52
Level 28
(x) Rode A Roller Coaster (WOOOOOOOOOO!)
(x) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling (Damn nice.)
( ) Black-Mailed Someone
( ) Been Black Mailed
SO FAR: 55
Level 29
(x) Been Used
(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs (Klutz... >.<)
( ) Licked A Cat
(x) Bitten Someone
(x) Licked Someone
SO FAR: 59
Level 30
( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint
( ) Had sex in the rain
( ) Flattened someones tires
( ) Rode in a car/truck until the gas light came on
( ) Got five dollars or less worth of gas
Repost this with the title:
I've Done __ of the 120 stupidest things (with your total in that blank spot.)
Firstly, this are some of the things stupid?
Second, I'm nearly halfway there. ;)
Third, this quiz fails to include the REALLY TRULY stupid things.
Changin, again
Lemme copy and paste the translation here, and you'll see why I like it.
Just like heart shaped clouds alter their form
I wonder if I'll someday change too
But as sure as the sun remains
Even after it sets and vanishes from sight
I'll never let go of my dream
There are thousands of destinies,
So I know I can change mine.
Now, which one should I fashion
With my own two hands?
Reach out from inside...
Ok. So in the end, I didn't copy and paste cos I didn't like the translation they gave on gendou.
GENDOU KENDO! Ok random. -.-
Ok so I typed everything based on shinsen sub's translation, editing some here and there. =\ Only one line actually.
See why I like the damn song? XD
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sleeping like the dead
Ok. That's it. That's all I want to say. =\
Hope it gets uploaded to gendou soon! Along with silent destiny. =D
To those who know my livejournal community, go read. I posted a new entry. ;)
ICA4, uber =D
Anyways, filming was tiring, but fun. xD Poor gerald, jared, however you spell his name, had to keep eating bread and more bread cos we were doing the master shot, which took 5 takes alone, and then the close ups, which were priceless.
A fake mustache drawn with makeup pain can look so real. =O I am in awe. xD
It was really really funny la. xD
So after finishing scene 2, we went down to film at the void deck and get teh shots we needed. the batteries are supposed to last 3 hours but died on us BOTH within 2 hours. >.< TOTAL. Shucks. =\
So in the end we ran out of battery before running out of time. xD But we got the shots we really needed anyways, so that was fine.
Then we went back up the shahrum's house to record the final VO, and the girls and shahrum kept laughing cos it was so cheesy. Then at take 2, shahrum and i both made Fiona and Gloria laugh, me by doing a stupid face while eating the pizza, and him by nearly choking on his drink. xD
All in all, filming was really fun! Ah ma, sophia, and I were talking during the void deck scenes.
And I learnt a new trick today! +.+
I can now jump over railings without first stepping on the railings. So its just a direct jump, kinda like what Kira Yamato does in episode one of gundam seed. =D Hehe. Never really did it, but succeeded this time, so yay. =D
Ninjitsu and kendo. I shall learn both. =O HAHA.
My next aim, no need for 2 running steps to clear. Just direct jump. =D
Yes, tired but high. xD
Malcom is damn strong lah. Arm wrestled with him and got owned without him even trying. =s But then again, I already expected that result cos his muscles are like super toned and all that. More training is in order. =D
Thanks Shahrum's dad for the pizza! =D
altho he probably will never read this. -.-
Byebye, sleepy time. For like an hour.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sports science
Sports science. ftw.
It is pure amazing.
Is damn cool.
I am.
Serjia...agreed that this is an awesome show yes? =O
Monday, July 21, 2008
Name something that made you frown today?: When I dropped my earphones on the wet floor?
How do you feel about being the age you are?: Hmm. Energetic?
Kiss with your eyes open or closed?: ...
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a mist: I don't get the misty part...So I think the money
Are you rich?: Depends on how you define rich. To some people, a hundred dollars is wealth. =\ But in terms of friends, yes I am.
Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?: Well, on my planet, there's just me and one other person. And I like that other person. So no.
What were you doing at 7:00 AM?: Snoozing
What were you doing 1 hour ago?: Eating dinner and watching teevee
What ipod do you own?: Don't have an ipod.
What was the last thing you said aloud?: Thanks for dinner.
How many different things did you drink today?: Lets see. Tomato juice. Plain Water. Orange juice. Umm. 3?
Are you ticklish?: Sometimes
Is success in your future?: Can I predict the future? No. Can you? No. So...who knows?
Are you a heavy sleeper?: The complete opposite.
Was today a good day?: Yes. Besides that everyone was making a fuss of me in my pinafore.
What are you listening to?: Err. Soundtrack from FFVIII
Does someone like you right now?: If there is someone, I don't know about it.
Who is the last person you had a deep meaningful conversation with ?: Lets see. Louis? Short tho.
Where is the last place you went?: Wtf? School duh.
Your favorite romantic movie?: I don't like romantic movies.
Is there something you will never forget?: Yes.
How is your hair?: Short and comfy.
Who was the last person you took a picture with?: Umm. I was about to complain how tough this question was. Then I realised. Oli Oli this morning. =D
What were you doing at midnight last night?: Can't frigging remember. Oh wait. Having that deep meaningful conversation with Louis. xD
What does your last sent text say?: Err. Random rants about how I wore pinafore today and how everyone was making a fuss, some trying to take photos?
Do you wish on 11:11?: No. Lol. It's a cool time though.
Have you ever played naked twister?: Wtf. No.
First thing you notice of the opposite/same sex?: Eyes and smile?
How do you feel about Valentine's day?: Fuck.
Can you keep a secret?: Yes.
So what's on your mind?: Umm. "Am I madly in love" cos shifu just asked that. xD
Which shoe do you put on first?: Left.
Favorite colour(s)?: Blue, Black, White.
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a C?: Nope.
Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them?: Mm. Yes. Then went back to hate. And now we just say hibye. xD
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?: No.
Is it easier to forgive or forget?: Hmm. Well, you probably need to forgive to forget, so I'd say forgive.
Do you laugh a lot?: Beyond that.
Are you happy with that?: Extremely
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No.
Do you want kids?: Umm...little terrors running around? I'll beat them with my shinai! XD
Last thing received in the mail?: Umm. Some. Random. Shit. From HARRIS.
Are you random?: Yes.
Have you ever hurt anyone when you were mad?: Hurt how? Yes both ways.
If someone liked you right now would you want them to tell you?: Why not? I won't boycott them even if the feeling isn't mutual. Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.
What's the last thing you said out loud now?: fuck. xD
Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?: Hmm. Hopefully I aint so blur as to forget the date.
Do you believe you can change someone?: I am powerful after all. Muahaha.
Something you dislike?: Yes. Very much.
Do you have trust issues?: Sometimes?
Fill out this survey yourself
Find a different survey
Brought to you by Bzoink
a frigging.
what the heck is the fuss abt?
the girls walked into macs, the first thing they did was giggle.
bezner said to yi ci, "adeline is wearing a skirt"
its just.
a frigging pinafore. -.-
gah. i'm like an attraction in the zoo or something.
like, when i walked out of tutorial room just now.
zomgwtfbbqhax NOOBS.
and i'm not hot..
frigging pinafore.
*#@#%#(@! Slow down!
I can't even begin expressing properly what it was before. And now it dashes off again.
Be still la! =D
Or maybe its better this way. (:
Starry smile
School uniform to school tml. =\ Shar's idea. Danggit. No photos dammit. xD
Can't see how this feelings a bad thing.
Because I don't need nothing other than this feeling.
And a friend like you.
To get me through the darkest nights.
Up and Up =D
Hehe. I'll catch up one day. I won't ever stop growing stronger.
On another note.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
No matter how much the darkness surrounds you, keep fighting. The light will break through one day.
Something pertaining to that, am I right?
I don't know, cos we're so alike and yet poles apart.
But your advice always always, I understand best.
Because you put it the way I need to see it, the way I see best.
Somehow, its still not the same until I hear it from you.
But. It helps, to imagine what you'd say, and try to keep to that.
Haha. Having known you, yet not seen you. And when I finally saw, I couldn't figure out who exactly I was looking at.
I just got your message. And once again. You always know the right things to say. (= You always cast light on what I've neglected to remember.
Thanks. For making a difference. For always saying the right thing. (:
A simple touch.
Makes all the difference.
Especially when the touch
Reaches right to your soul.
I survived those nightmarish 2/3 months without one. Or did I?
Its not so much the feeling that something's missign. I don't even miss it. I don't need it...
Its just...
Something...keeps bugging me...
In my dreams even, there are no respite.
She gripped the hilt of her sword tighter.
This was no time to weaken or show any sign of fear.
Randomness: Of death and honor
Is it better to be killed by something you like? Like me, I love katanas. Would it be better to die by the blade rather than say, by an arrow? Hmm.... xD
On another note. What is honor in battle, huh? You're going to kill someone anyway. Where's the bloody honor in that? And if you're fighting to protect, where does honor get you? Everyone you wanna protect dead, and you yourself too?
Danggit, there HAS to be a limit to honor on the battlefield, you fanatics.
Honor, but not fanatical honor.
Heck honor, for there is no honor in killing a fellow man, no matter the reason. If you choose to fight, be prepared to set such ideals aside.
The battlefield is no place for a dreamer.
For that dreamer will sooner or later get a rude awakening.
Or will he? Hmm...
Well, in any case, never step in unprepared. (:
Randomness I know.
Too much samurai talk. <3
Hahahaha. I like. Cos. I dno. It rocks? =\ I'm a fighter after all.
The song that is on repeat
Even on rainy nights, even in my dreams; anytime at all.
But the words I want to say, I can't say them unreservedly
so I put them away in my chest, for just a while more.
Somehow, just with you at my side,
I feel that can do so many things.
Because you gave me the strength to make any kind of dream come true,
I'm just able to look straight ahead and start walking.
If you're wondering why the heck the lyrics look so strange, this is because its translated. XD Yes the song is in jap.
Everytime that innocent tune plays, that beautiful melody I first heard over the phone
I turn the volume up.
Hehe, different song, people. XD
I made a stupid mistake.
A mistake I regret up to now.
A mistake many of my dearest friends scolded me for making.
And without them saying it, I know that I can't ever allow myself to make that mistake again.
This time around, I got away without any scars.
Next time, I might not get away at all.
So, I make a promise to all my most loved friends now.
Don't worry.
There won't be a next time.
I'm wiser now.
I won't make that same mistake again.
Random. FF. Tactics.
I started playing FF tactics on my PSP again.
Been distracted with GTA and Crisis core. xD
FF Tactics ftw. =D
<3 sword. =x
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Uh. Woot sob?
Doubt its gonna happen anytime soon tho. Housework is like the plague. It haunts me. I do it without the mood to, I do it half-heartedly. I do it when I want to, I do it perfectly. =O
Hahahhaa. as in, really perfectly. Perfectionist kinda perfect. >.<
With regards to the previous post, massive fail.
Edit: I treated it as a failure, but after some thought, I realised the tears were better spent than I thought, for spent not for the same ol' reason were they, instead spent through love for one friend, and then many more. (3pm, don't ask me why i phrased it this way, just felt like it =P)
Friday, July 18, 2008
All I need
I won't cry again...I won't cry anymore...
Not over this, ever again.
I am not letting the tears out.
And all i need is to hear your voice.
And suddenly, I don't even need to try.
Just an opinion
If you really mean it, you wouldn't need to announce it. After all, your blog is your own, nobody can kill you if you don't update. People who announce it just want people to go up and ask whyyyy?
Many a times I've felt like doing the same. Then I thought better of it. What's the point of announcing it? Don't update then don't update la. I don't want people coming after me and asking why.
Yea. I probably have made many people angry after this post. Its not like I care. Like I said, its my fucking opinion. If you don't understand the meaning of the word opinion, don't broadcast your stupidity.
So screw you flamers. If you want to flame me anonymously, go ahead. I aint gonna be heartbroken over stupid people.
Yes. Thats it. Direct and straight to the point. Just the way I like it. I don't honey my words if not needed.
Hate me, love me, its up to you. I'm not living to be loved anyway.
Dare I say just how much?
My frgging ICA3 for scriptwriting. Dammit.
So I'm sitting in the library after having pwned or been pwned by 3 ICAs, eitherway.
Slacking my ass off now. XD
Dammit, I'm bored. >.<
Malcom keeps burping. HAHA. XD
That guy is crazy I swear.
Ooh. Tonight, MSN, RUNESCAPE, right, Louis? Drag me to the beginners equip area okaay? =D
Kendo AGM at 6pm. Dammit. >.< Got like, 4 hours to kill. Thank goodness for laptop. Why does the school have to block steam? T.T
Shit. I phail at the writing. It is so noobish, it aint enough.
Frigging poster. XD
Beddy time!
Shit, gotta study for soo as well. T.T
Neh mind, at this rate, should be done with Chong within an hour WHEN I'M REFRESHED.
So, heading off to bed now. Byebye.
No seriously, if you've got a good idea, and everything's safe and secure in your head, then, w00tz, it all becomes that much easier. XD
I hope. =s
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo
Stupid show. >.<
No idea how to do the bloody business proposal. T.T
Shall wake up at 5am to do. =O
Yes, aint gonna sleep today, something my classmates started doing for a while already.
=O I'm such a slacker.
No sleep ftw.
Shit. Coughing fit.
I have been eating really little heaty food. O.O Zomg. xD
my legs. Are. shit.
Seriously. T.T
What's happening to meeeeeeeee.
Heh. Off to work now. It's going to work. Yes it is! *OOOOOOOOOOMS*
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I'm a full-time friend and a part-time student.
I mean it though.
Dammit. xD
Hmm not gonna use the short form for livejournal anymore. Sources tell me its a bad word in dno which dialect.
And by deep sleep i mean being immersed in those claws of half-conciousness, drifting between awakeness and sleep, so you basically get drawn into a myraid where reality and dream become one.
I had a really strange dream to top it all off. It wasn't all that bad, but I do remember distinctly a point where I woke up and my entire being was screaming NO NOT LIKE THAT IT CAN'T BE I DON'T WANT IT LIKE THAT.
It seemed so real, I got scared cos I didn't want it to be real.
When I finally woke up for real, I was relieved.
Cos everything was just the way I left it.
Change can be scary at times eh. =\
Ok. ICA3 for scriptwriting now. =D
Choices, choices...
Anyways, cos I got a lift from daddy, I was talking to him about wanting to join the youth group, and he straightaway, as all parents do, asked why. XD
He supports it, by the looks of his reaction.
And mummy should be happy. she probably wants to ween the whole family off SPP. Not like thats going to happen. =D
Yea. Tied up in 2 churches. Should be ok, if stuff clash, I guess i have to see the amount of responsibility i hold in that situation.
So, prolly gonna quit choir comm. I've been in since p6 anyways. And I do have lesser time these days, especially seeing how most PW meetings are on sunday evenings. >.<
Plus wanna put more time into kendo, practicing in my free time.
Also, I was talking to daddy about getting a part time job during the 2 month holiday. He seemed quite surprised, I guess cos I've always chosen to slack during hols.
I'm considering, cos i want to save money for my katanas. >.< Yet I still wanna do my writing. I guess if I do get the airport job, I'll have all the time in the world between shifts. Laptop, sitting in the airport, hopefully with friends, crapping, doing work. Epic win.
Hmm...So many decisions to make. But none of them are really urgent...
Exams before holidays, man. XD
Youth group. Hmm....
I want. :D
I ish sickz i tiinks
No seriously. It is. I knew it all along, but I tried.
So to make it more interesting and less monotonous I slept later than 12 last night and woke up at 6 instead of 5.30. =O
Haha. Not for real. I did sleep and wake at that time, but it wasn't because jogging was boring.
Dammit, second day and I'm bored already. Louis! Alternative forms of stamina training, whatever you do to become so strong =O. Tell meeee your secret or I ish pwnz you.
Massive fail. Twit talk+ Ade= O.O
So anyways, I woke up this morning, and my first reaction was WTF? PAIN.
My leg muscles apparently, even though they weren't even close to sore last night. Sigh.
So I slacked. Ran 5 rounds instead. 2km. >.> Hahaha.
Massive sprint at the end, although that was a bit of a failure too.
Took my now intending to make it customary walk home, and I managed to think of me stuffs today! =D
Haha. First part of the walk was random shit like, "PAIN" and attempting to think of what happened last night, and coming to the conclusion that there was nothing to think about. XD
Second part I was thinking of production schedule. >.<
Third part, was considering a decision I want to make, examining my reasons for wanting to make that choice and the feasibilty. I like interrogating myselfs. =x
I want to join IHM youth group...............................
Reasons: Cos of the stuff they do? XD
Their activities are mainly on Saturday, so that's fine, one free day less for me time, but with all the extra me time in the morning, who cares? Why do I even need me time? I'm happy enough to be happy. XD
Will I be tired out?
Hope not. XD
Hmm. Consider consider. =]
Oh well, will think on that later, when I'm done chionging Ang and Chong. Which is prolly friday. By which time I can consult the advisor. XD
For now, I ish sicks i tiinkss cos when i wokez ups i feltz veri coldz worhs.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
well u seem much more in control now.
p.o.o.f* says (8:56 PM):
you've matured much =)
I guess I have. =D
Thanks YX. <3
Sigh, no point emoing right. It aint gonna help anything, you're just going to feel worse.
Just settle it my own way bah. =\
Don't worry and leave it in God's hands.
Smiling makes the world seem brighter. =D
Mr Piggy.
There's something about pigs being the guy that a girl likes. O.O WTH. xD
Seriously, thats creepy, cos I know quite a few girls who call teh guys they like pigs.
Louis, I'm sticking to oink oink or stupid boii or samurai from now on. -.-
Ojisan and Obasan wake up early to run! =O
I walked in, I saw so many ah gongs and ah mas can. I felt so pai seh la. -.-
Eventually started running, didn't exceed my last 2.4 timing by too much. :3
But yea, running alone is boring, don't think I'll do it again if I don't have company. =\
Pig pig is lazy still call me lazy bones. D:
So anyway, after walking one round to cool down, I grabbed my pouch, and walked home COS I FELT LIKE IT. =.=
Nearly home, realised, SHIT WHERE'S MY EZ-LINK!
I dropped it. -.-
I ran slash walked back, and it was all the way at the stadium down there can. @.@
So anyway, am home now, fluff just dropped from my eye, and I got about an hour to kill before leaving for school. =p
The walk wasn't spent thinking about wise stuff. It wasn't spent thinking about me stuff. It was spent thinking "Stomachacheeeeeeeeeee"
Monday, July 14, 2008
Burn baby burn
Off to cook my dinner now. Yes you read right, COOK.
Instant noodles only mah.
I shall burn the house down. Muahaha. XD
High heel alien attackers! KEELZ THEMS!
Hahahahaha. Gawd, I nearly died.
Luckily, I went up to him after class, and managed to get out of wearing heels. ;)
As long as its smart, and anyway, my boots aren't flat flat. XD TOO BAD MS0802~!
Stupid Yi Ci was telling Mr Ho he shoulda made it compulsory, cos the whole class would have gotten a good laugh at my expense. XD
WOo. Thank goodness for no heels.
Emo shit, Happy fits.
It's so much nicer for yourself and the people around if you just smile and be happy and bounce and be hyper. =D
When I was emo, I dao-ed all the kendo people. Trainings were mostly just focused on what I was supposed to do. After training, I'd be so damn tired out both ways, I'd slump down and ignore people unless I was spoken to, wait for announcements, then go home.
But when I started cheering up, I started talking to Jassy and Sam and Gor and gang and everyone else. It helped that I was doing the stupid measurements list for kendo, so I had to talk to everyone. XD
Yea. Being happy rocks. ^^
<3 kendoka.
So, am gonna spam random updates to kill time before tutorial starts. And maybe, if I'm lucky, together with iTunes, before I know it, it'll be three. XD
Lunch with Yi Ci is awesome, his 'scandals' always set me off. He can go be a stand up comedian man. -.-
Hmm. My chest hurts. >.> As in hurts. Its an old affliction, keeps coming back. )=
SOMEONE used to panic about it, but thinks that he forced himself to panic now. LOL
Whatever. That aint random. =.=
Hmm. Random. Lets spam words.
Eh, if you're still reading, this aint gonna be THAT random la, as with most of my so called random posts. xD
Uncertain certainty.
I'm always certain enough to say. But then again, I already said it didn't I? But recent happenings, what with certain emotions and all, my certainty took a huge beating. It's building right back up now, with each passing day, each time the whisper grows louder.
I think I can figure out what my heartbeat whispers. I can barely make it out, but I'm trying to figure it out.
Hmm. Felt like listening to devestation and reform, so I switched to it. Awesome song. =D HAHAHHA.
Y'know, only 6 minutes have passed. -.- And Yi Ci's on yamato cannons already. Gawds Bez and Yi Ci are the proz worhz.
But in the end its nothing but a shell of what I had when I first started. xD Random line from teh song.
Go search it. Honestly, the song rocks. Lyrics are pretty meaningful too. =)
Y'know, I could probably just play my PSP. But for some reason. >.<
Bored of it.
Thank you God for giving me the insight, so that I might, make these wrongs right.
Another random line. XD
See, uber random, the post is becoming deadly long, and not much has been worth taking note of.
Forget it. GTA.
Like laughing.
Shuriken Trees
Let off from class A FREAKING HOUR EARLY.
Now we've got 3 hours to kill till marketing tutorial, cos Soo cancelled her next lesson as well.
Gotta love her at times like this.
I'm feeling uber uber sleepy hyper now. >.<
I want to blog. But I don't know what to blog about.
Ninjitsu eh...
Kendo ftw. =D
Surfing Ninjas!
Pitching. Pitching. Pitching. For Creativity and Thinking skills. Hmm. Shall be real creative then.
oooooooooooooooo. R-rated clip. =O
CHEY. It's just the doggy bridgestone ad. -.-
Saw before in Azhar's class. XD R-rated my ass. =\
Scare me for a moment. Was preparing to close my eyes at anything.
Basically, it opens to a dog carrying two bones, running to see his gf.
Then, his gf is having sex with another dog. Sad, he drops the bones and runs to the expressway and jumps onto the road to commit suicide.
The car is coming zoom zoom. Suddenly, STOOOOOOOOP until damn nice.
Then the brand come out. Bridgestone tires. XD
Stupid ad la. Damn funny.
Ok. Shall pay attention. Byebye.
If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it.
Gawd ok. Put two crazies in one MSN convo and you get a convo that makes you laugh throughout. -.-
A problem shared is a problem halved.
I just realised...Yi Lin's blog title...Is I help her come up with one. >.>
HAHAHAHAHA and all this while I was wondering if I could use it. >.<
Wth xD
Ok. A really really random line that made me laugh.
"I would like to see how swords fare against a tsunami"
"We will use a blade to cut a swath through the waves
. And end up all dead"
It will work out somehow.
Ok. Random. As is everything I say or do nowadays. >.>
Ya so the song sounds really melancholic. Call me emo shit or whatever. I don't really care cos the people who matter know. (:
From way up here, things seem so clear. Yet even in the sky, clouds obscure view from certain things.
Time...ever changing, never constant, always moving, not stopping, nor waiting...
It aint nonsense, it's words of wisdom. ;)
Mine is just random shit I came up with while thinking on your words. XD
Failure. Whoops.
I just realised before sleeping last night that I have no idea what time teh stadium opens, and I forgot to tell my sis I'm going jogging in the morning...
So...forget it...coming home from school I'll drop by to check. But for today, nah.
But I'm already awake! What a waste of time, you might say...well, I'm feeling more wide awake, plus I have actually done my cuts! =O
So no. Not a waste of time.
Wonder if there's anyone playing tf2 in the starhub servers at this hour. =\
Will prolly still go if one of the sillies that I was kachiaoing to go wakes up though. >.>
Haha. Shucks, I really am exploiting the fact that I'm a light sleeper who aces waking up at abnormal hours aint it.
Plus its cooling in the morning. Nice to excercise in. >.>
Anyways, today is sorta like a reccy? Like, to check things out, see my exact fitness, and see if I get sleepy earlier from waking up early? Yea... XD
Random Ascii attempt
Random. XD
/( . )\
/( . )\
Now we all know what Ade does when she's bored. =x
Sunday, July 13, 2008
It's nice to see Pearl again. =D
Pearl drank bubble tea! With pearl! =O
>.< Lame. XD
Hmm. I guess after everything that's happened, I'm glad I stand where I do. I came out on top in the end. More cheerful then before. Able to see things with less bias when I choose. More mature.
More courageous, not a coward running from the past.
And meaning what I say, unlike a hypocrite.
I'll say it to your face, but you'll probably emo. -.-
I'm trying to convince Louis to join me for morning jogging. XD
Can't sleep. >.< Had like 20 mins rest tehn got woken up by the phone, NOT A BAD THING SAMURAI. =D
Ok. So, anyways, instead of being a pig. I'm going to practice my psalm. Then go to uncle's house. >.<
Wonder if sensei is gonna be interested. @.@ I need companions desperately, as I remembered i've got an insane ability for slacking off without knowing it if i've got no one to compete against or no one to push me, or even someone to run with. >.>
Stupid Samurai. >.<>
Here's lil ade's schedule, hopefully she can keep to it.
12am sleep.
5.30am wake up, shower, 50 jyugen puri, 50 shomen, 50 haya subri.
5.50am leave house, take bus to the stadium, jog 2.4.
6.30 am leave for home.
7am. 100 jyugen puri, 100 shomen, 100 haya subri.
11pm. 100 jyugen puri, 100 shomen, 100 haya subri.
HAHAHAHAHA. XD What a monotonous schedule. >.<
Cuts will change with time, hopefully jogging can become running. XD
Hmm, some me time perhaps. =x Excercise is a good way to clear your mind.
Gah. But it's so much funner to excercise with people. >.<
Shall kachiao the ppl who stay in teh area.
Hope I can keep to this schedule. >.>
Don't be a peeg lil ade. XD
Damn I'm not lil... >.< but i am called lil anyways. What is the world coming to. =x
You never fail to make me laugh. Silly person, you aint pharoh ramses, nor his reincarnation. Tsktsk, and you say i'm more insane. Pokes are a weapon of mass destruction! *nods*
Silence! I poke joooo!!
(Adapted from? Guess where. =x)
Clue: If it's really important, it'll prolly be both here and there. PROBABLY. XD
I miss Prince of Tennis all of a sudden.
Bamboo blade too. Kendo. =\
Ok. Tomorrow, I have nothign on, no pw meeting, watch anime.
Crap. Cousin's birthday celebration in the evening. Told Pearl I'm going.
YAY! Pearl! I haven't seen her since like...chinese new year? OMG. XD
Pearly! Haha. Damn i still remember that totally random poem I wrote in math class when I was bored. XD PEARL WHIRLY!!!!! <3
Ok. So like. I realise. I'm bored A LOT. >.<
Shucks, short attention span luhhs. >.>
Sensei was saying something about giving the boy 500 hayasubri. I told him to go ahead since I aint a boy. XD Pwned rite.
Thanks for the kinder bueno again. =x
Wakakaka. ok. Shit. this is like a self-inflicted high from being totally random while blogging. XD That's nice, been a long time since i've had random as in truly random posts. XD See, this is why I still keep my blogger.
Well, that and the fact that, even if I'm moving on, I aint gonna act as if the past never existed, unlike some coward whose name I don't need to mention, you guys probably know who I'm talking about.
Acting as if the past never existed, deluding yourself and straying from the truth. Becoming such an ass and dragging my parents into a freaking argument. Just examine your damn actions please.
Ok. That was a downer in this post. >.<
Shit. Need to sleep soon luhhs. Gotta wake up and head to church on my own tomorrow. I have half a mind not to go, but nooo I shall be guai.
Ooh. Just realised Brave Heart from digimon is playing. Awesome or what? XD
Heart of sword from ruroni kenshin ftw. =x
Ok. random. and long. and grammatically incorrect. DAMN. XD
Aww c'mon.
Already? Isn't that a bit fast? XD
Stupid internet keeps dc-ing on me today.
Umm. After you use razer. You can't go back to normal mouse.
I was printing some stuff at print shop on Friday. And then. What was going through my mind was something along the line of "MOVE DAMMIT! MOVE! OMG WTH ARE YOU NOT MOVING! GAHHHHHH! MOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! QUICK! SO SLOW FASTER STOP GOING SO SLOW MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Yea, something like that. Except i think it wasn't that long. Just..."Slow dammit"
But I would have liked to think that huge chunk up there. =D HAHAHAHA.
Hmm. Maybe its just the school's mouse?
No...on second thought. XD
sensitivity of 10 plus 1800 dpi ftw
Was playing runescape just now, something's screwy with my internet today, cos I keep dc-ing. And then, like, towards teh end, when Louis was trying to drag me to the place to get my beginner's equip...I dc-ed. And dc-ed. And dc-ed. XD Then he had to go, and i sorta gave up, so I went off. XD
So much for dragging. >.<
Sneaky fella tsk tsk, always saying things that imply somethign else then saying its nothing. tsk tsk. XD
BAKA. =x
Ok. Shall stop insulting him. Dowan to be killed by a samurai. Besides, we're on teh same team. (team kill ftw. Muahahaha.)
Well, the saddd mood seems to be gone so thats awesome. XD
A smile on my face.
As I'm reminded.
As I realise.
And learn.
From your 'talking nonsense'
Which actually makes sense in a weird, fantasy-like way.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Back Atcha
"That's not love dammit"
What a joke.
Look at what you are saying right now.
You forgot one...and moved on to another...just like that.
I shant say anything more. =) It's up to you if this is how you wanna live.
100 questions! XD
Umm, my dad calling me on my cell to head down for dinner?
2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
Nope. xD
3. What happened at 10.00am today?
Class with Azhar.
4. When did you last cry?
Oh shit. Can't remember. xD Hmm. About a week or two, like, for 2 minutes? =\ Or slightly more?
5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
Who eats peanut butter? XD
No favourite cos I don't really like it, I don't mind trying peanut butter with jelly though.
6. What do you want in your life right now?
Umm, to keep smiling? xD And a PS3! And a piggyback from Gor! XD
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
Shit, who brings an umbrella around? And what hood? O.O
8. What's your favourite thing to do before you go to bed?
Think. Listen to music. Imagine myself sleeping. XD
9. What are you wearing right now?
Umm. Shirt and Shorts. Beddy time stuffs.
10. What does the nicest text message in your inbox say?
Hmm. The nicest in which phone? The nicest happens to be in the other phone which is with someone else right now. =\ Of the two phones on me, the nicest is...uh...the one that...made me hyper two sundays ago. xD
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
Do I? I guess I do?
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
Nope. =D
13. What was the last movie you caught?
In class there was Bowling for Columbine, and just now, short snippets of dumb and dumber?
14. What are you proud of?
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
Which inbox? XD Hmm Panasonic has older I guess, and since its on hand, "Do u really think i dun care abt you...."
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
What. NFI. >.<>17. Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
Ade, Addy, Leow, Ah Leow, ade5kira, Kira, Sotong, Lady Ade of the White Knights, Baroness Ade.
18. What does the last text message you received say?
"Tomorrow's lesson is in ltd 2 at 930 til 11. Please forward this message to your respective groups.
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
Umm. 3-4am?
20. What makes you happy?
Friends, Chocolate, writing, sports, Kendo, Samurai, Gor, Puppy, Brandy.
21. Who gives you the best advice?
God? XD Indirectly?
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
Don't mind. If I had a can of whipped cream.
23. Who did you talk to on the phone last night?
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
Umm. Nothing. A teeny something that I can't put my
25. What/Who was the last thing/person that made you laugh?
Darren and Husayn, sony workshop, jump and clap. WOOSH. XD
26. Do you wear toe socks?
Nope. Wait. Once?
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
Gor at 10.50, miss calling me so I could get his number? xD
28. What's your favourite fruit?
No idea.
29. What annoys you most in a person?
Hypocrite. Unreasonable.
30. What do you admire most in a person?
Sincerity, Love.
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
No. Never will
32. What is the colour of your room?
Blue, white?
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
34. Do you believe in the saying 'talk is cheap'?
35. Who was the last person to lay on your bed?
36. Who was the last person to e-mail you?
Yi Ci.
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
While we were kissing? On the lips? Or just the person I kissed? Umm a heck lot of people saw him?
38. Do you have a life?
No shit. I'm dead and thus answering this quiz.
Yes I do have a life, but I'm bored.
39. Have you ever thought someone died when they really didn't?
Umm. Yes?
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dreams?
Shit. That's a toughie. Daddy and Louis and Yong Gao? XD
42. Last time you smiled?
When do I not smile? XD
43. Have you changed this year?
So much. Too much.
44. What are you listening to right now?
Brave Heart from Digimon. XD
45. Are you talking to someone while you're doing this?
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
47. Is there a quote you live by?
The best thing you can give someone is a smile?
Uhh I don't know. There are so many...
"Create your own destiny" by me? xD
48. Do you want someone you can't have?
Hmm. I don't want anyone right now, not really.
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
A few?
50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
Don't know.
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
Watching Bamboo Blade.
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
I wasn't but I am.
53. Do you like receiving flowers?
Here and there.
54. Are you gay?
I'm happy. =D
55. Who are the people who always make you laugh?
Shit, everyone? Myself? Chocolate makes me giggly. =\
56. Do you speak another language other than English?
Japanese and Chinese?
57. Are you blonde?
58. What's your middle name?
Real or fake? Real, I don't have. Fake, hmm, sotong, blur, sleepyhead, dreamer?
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
Waking up and smiling.
60. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
61. Who will you choose to die with?
Gawds, do we have to die together? Can't they keep living?
62. Where have you been today?
School, home.
63. What game do you play often?
TF2. FF.
64. Who are you missing right now?
Gor and Samurai? XD
65. If you were to choose between friends and love, who will you choose?
Love. Cos I want to love my friends.
66. What are you doing right now?
What does it look like I'm doing?
67. Which primary school are you from?
68. Name 3 colours that you like.
Blue. Black. White.
69. Name three of your favourite fashion designers.
Wait. Who?
70. What is life to you?
Life is what you let it be?
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Think and emo on it, give up and then go back and think and emo again?
72. Who did you last chat with in MSN today?
Blureh. =x
73. Who do you admire most?
Shucks. Who? Crap. =\
Samurai? Much to learn from him. =D
74. Which month are you born in?
75. What are your favourite movies?
Damn this question. -.-
76. What is the time now?
3.07 am.
77. Where are you now?
In my room.
78. What colour did you use to dye your hair?
Never dyed.
79. Why are you doing this test?
Can't sleep.
80. What do you do when you're moody?
Listen to music, think, emo, eat chocolates, sleep?
81. At which age do you wish to get married?
Who cares.
82. Which is more important to you, family or friends?
Hmm. Friends. Family is important, but I can't really talk to them sometimes.
83. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Depends on what the confidence is concerning.
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
Shit. Who do I not trust is gonna be shorter. XD Most most most... I don't know. A whole lot of my close friends?
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
What's to believe, or not to? O.O
86. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
The dream I had last night?
87. What is your goal for this year?
Work hard for school and Kendo.
88. Do you believe in eternal love?
Eternal to what extent? Human or infinite? There definitely is God at least.
89. What feeling do you love most?
Bringing a smile to someone's face.
90. Do you believe in global warming?
91. What feeling do you hate the most?
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
93. Do you believe in God?
94. Who cares for you the most?
Friends and family.
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Smile. Listen to my heart.
96. What'll you bring when you fight?
Shinai. =x
97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
Failing to save that stupid bastard. Umm. Yea. And not talking to Ren He more.
98. Coffee or tea?
Coffee ftw.
99. What would you do if your significant other cheated on you?
Umm. Was what happened counted? Well, I emoed for awhile and prayed a lot? Altho the emo was more cos of something else. Gah. I don't know. Won't know till it happens for real.
100. What do you want now?
A fourth night of dreaming. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Piggyback. Kinder Bueno. Sleep.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I blame Bezner, for giving me the link in the first place. XD
Monday, July 7, 2008
Anyway, its marketing now. T_T
And I'm bored.
And Ser Jia didn't come meet me for lunch. XD EEE. Stupid puppy.
BOO I'm sleepy. =\
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
If thats the only chance, then I'll take the plunge.
So I don't have people coming to me and telling me "Nooo don't dieee Adeeee", that nickname doesn't mean I'm going to jump off a building. XD
It basically means, I'm going to take the risk. =D
For what, no idea. I don't even know what to do about the freaking matter, or that bastard for that matter. -.-
Allow a few vulgarities from a pissed off girl.
Ahem. =)
Sorry you had to see that. XD
Once upon a time eh...
Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Adeline.
She was very hyper, and she didn't want a prince.
One day, she fell in love.
She thought he was her prince charming.
It turned out he wasn't.
And she cried.
Then she got better.
And she was hyper again.
The end.
Ok, thats not the real post. =\ Go read my LJ if you wanna know a more serious less crapping rendition. XD This one just simplifies everything, even undermines all the emotion. -.-
Friday, July 4, 2008
Temperamental Writer
I just can't write if I'm not in the mood eh? What happened to the days I used to be able to overcome my writers' block with no apparent difficulties?
Out of practice lol...
That poem's just the start. I am going to get it back. ^^
Thursday, July 3, 2008
SPP Cat Class Reunion! XD
Hahaha maybe a BBQ at ECP, confirmant group and those who had to leave for various reasons! Throughout the whole course, whoever was in it is invited! Hmm...Maybe if we could find a date where the two girls who are overseas, Gemma and Sheena are gonna be in singapore? But that might be a little difficult.
How about those who joint us even though they were a year ahead? Jonathan and Brandon and all. Hmm...Perhaps. xD It'll be awesome.
Hmm. Shall we set it for sometime in November or December then? When everyone's exams are over! =D Hmm...
I'm thinking of 8 people who can definitely make it right now...8 people...abit the small for BBQ right?
That's 6 months advance notice. You guys better get back to me! =x
HAHAHAHA. OMG. If we pull this off, it'll be so totally awesome.
I elect my organising comm to be...Jas and Jason and Derniese and Louis.
OMG. 5 out of 8 are orgainising. HAHAHAHA.
Ideas and dates plox!!!!!
I really want this to work. T_T
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Feeling so high now.
Off to do marketing then. =D
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
But somehow...I am not doing it...
I'll probably end up staying up to finish it.
I wonder how much longer I have to accomplish all I want to?
Who knows, I might not live to see tomorrow...
Lol. Enough of all that morbid talk. -.-
I'll be praying for you.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
My hands are a little sore, but my muscles aren't aching. I really have no idea why my body is acting this way. Plus, I drank milk and actually enjoyed it.
And I have a craving for tomatoes. .__. [bezner says "agfdkhqefdbqghqasohf fdglnjfasgmlfdjshblgkasnc"] marion says " i love ade! :D and of course B(: <3 "
Aww I love you too. =D