Wednesday, January 23, 2008

With much consideration

After much thought, while I haven't decided what kind of miracle it would take to solve this whole dumb mess (it IS immature...and dumb...most of the onlookers think so), I have at least cleared my thoughts abit.

Now that I think back, I'm quite glad I did what I did. In doing that, I kept true to an oath I made to myself and to God quite awhile ago, and that is to be myself under all circumstances, to stay true to myself, never betraying my heart, and to stand up for what I believe in.

I thought what you all did was wrong, and I said it. And I said it to your faces, so I didn't backstab anyone. And most importantly, my conscience is clear.

Perhaps I could have phrased it better. Perhaps I could have said something else. But you know what? I'm not gonna let that get me down. Nobody is perfect. Face it, even you aren't.

If you say your conscience is clear as well, I'd laugh. You either are too thick-skinned, or just that heartless.

Call this preaching if you wish. Call me whatever you wish. Hate me if you want.

Its up to you if you want to spend your whole life being angry at the world, spend your whole life wallowing in hate. I feel that my energy is better spent on other aspects of my life. Pardon me for saying this, but I have better things to do with my time then stay angry at you.

I hold no grudges against my fellow men. "Forgive and Forget", Jesus did say that. And so, I'll put in my best effort, I'll use 200% to try and follow his commandments.

And I'll pray for you, that you might stop hating.



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